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Merger Should Be the Last Resort. Collaboration is Key.

This year my husband and I traveled to Roswell, New Mexico for 4th of July and the International UFO Festival. It’s not to be missed. On Saturday morning we decided to take a walk around town. Just a couple of blocks off the Main Street and at the end of the historic district we came upon this beautiful home/credit union:


The Florist Federal Credit Union. Founded in 1969 the credit union only serves florists, their families and their employees. They offer business loans, deposit accounts and merchant card services. Their VISA cards are gorgeous (flowers of course) They are $7.8 million in assets with just 900 members. This is old school, single sponsor, in a house, listening to their members needs and providing the unique products their target audience wants. I wonder if they still have a credit committee? They are financially strong and as long as there are flowers and florists this credit union should be around for a very long time.

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